About US

Welcome to CANMOM!


I’m a wife, mum and Montessori Math teacher.
When I had my first child, I started to look at Montessori learning.
Not only the children got benefit from such amazing method, me as well. It changed my eyes to children. I learnt to observe from children’s eyes.
Now I also use Montessori Math materials for Math lessons in our Montessori Math Centre.

I enjoy teaching Math and help others to teach their kids. Math can be a fun subject to learn.

However, children get scared by all exercise books and formulas. Through Montessori work, children can visualize Math. I want to promote Montessori teaching method and let more children enjoy Math.

Making Montessori materials give me an opportunity to do this. We make the materials and the instruction with pictures. Anyone can use my materials even if he/she doesn’t know Montessori at all.

More parents will give Montessori method a try when our materials are more affordable. Then more children will get benefit from it.